Steam boiler rental

Kuiper en Zonen rents out various boiler installations for when you temporarily need steam, warm or hot water. For example during a move or as a bridge during an inspection period.

In addition to the sale and maintenance of boiler installations, Kuiper en Zonen also focuses on boiler rental. Are you looking for temporary capacity for steam, warm or hot water for a shorter or longer period of time? For example, because your own installation has failed or because extra capacity is temporarily needed when moving or as a bridge during an inspection period? You may also want to rent a boiler due to extraordinary weather conditions or changes in your production process.

We can supply the steam boilers, heating boilers, hot water boilers, flue gas coolers and degassers for hire directly from stock. We have standard boilers of 16 megawatts each in our range, which means we can deliver high capacity for district heating, for example.

  •     Steam boilers from 0.5 – 25 tons per unit and pressures up to 25 barg
  •     Hot water boilers from 170 kW to 16 MW
  •     Super heated water boilers from 785 kW to 16 MW
verhuur stoomketels boiler kuiper 4

The oldest steam boiler company in the Netherlands

Kuiper en Zonen is a family business and has pure craftsmanship


Why choose Kuiper en Zonen?

  • Professional steam boiler company since 1918
  • Family business pur sang
  • Pure craftsmanship and impressive innovation
  • All-round knowledge and skills
  • All under one roof; the complete package of manufacture, overhaul, rental, delivery, maintenance and installation of steam boiler installations

Free tailored advice?

Receive tailor-made advice from one of our experts without obligation. Call us on +31 (0) 318 63 20 92 or fill in the form below.

Kuiper en Zonen Team

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