Steam trap measurements

Steam traps are a useful part of a boiler installation, but they also need attention. Kuiper & Zonen can take care of this for you.

Steam trap

A steam trap or steam trap collects and drains the condensate from the steam network without large amounts of steam being lost. A steam trap is a very important part in a steam installation. It prevents water hammer and ensures that the steam remains dry. a steam trap that does not function properly has resulted in either a water hammer occurring or steam leaking into the condensate network.


The oldest steam boiler company in the Netherlands

Kuiper en Zonen is a family business and has pure craftsmanship


Why choose Kuiper en Zonen?

  • Professional steam boiler company since 1918
  • Family business pur sang
  • Pure craftsmanship and impressive innovation
  • All-round knowledge and skills
  • All under one roof; the complete package of manufacture, overhaul, rental, delivery, maintenance and installation of steam boiler installations

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